Singapore has a well-developed manufacturing industry, and as such, there are several software companies that specialize in providing manufacturing software solutions for the manufacturing sector.

Manufacturing Software

Table Of Content:

1. What is manufacturing business?

    2. Why is manufacturing software needed?

    3. What are the advantages of using manufacturing software?

    4. List of 8 manufacturing software in Singapore

    5. Conclusion

    What is Manufacturing Business?

    Manufacturing means the processing of raw materials or parts using labor, machinery, or other chemical processes to make them into finished goods. It is a value-adding process for businesses to sell finished goods to customers.

    Why is Manufacturing Software Needed?

    Manufacturing software is needed to automate the operations of the manufacturing floor from production, stock tracking, allocation of resources, delegation of tasks, etc. It is also needed to simplify the cumbersome processes and provide the manufacturers with real-time visibility of all the procedures through one system.

    What are the Advantages of Using Manufacturing Software?

    • Accelerated Production process
    • Reduced unplanned downtime
    • Unprofitable process reduction
    • Multiple location monitoring
    • Waste reduction
    • Increased efficiency

    List of 8 Manufacturing Software in Singapore

    1. Moiboo Software

    Moiboo Manufacturing Software
    NameMoiboo software
    Contact+65 98951817

    Moiboo is a PSG Grant pre-approved manufacturing software that is ideal for all small and Midsized Product Manufacturers, Food Manufacturers, and Process manufacturers to automate their business.

    Moiboo software is ready-made to suit your business and can automate your Production, Inventory, and Supply chain seamlessly.

    2. Murho Software

    NameMurho software
    Contact+65 62893802

    Murho helps companies to automate their supply chain management process to increase their productivity and profitability.

    3. Odoo Software

    NameOdoo software
    Contact+32 22903490

    Odoo helps to automate your procurement levels and optimize your inventory through accurate fulfillment propositions. It helps to avoid shortages.

    4. Afon

    Contact+65 63230901

    Afon is designed for small and medium-sized businesses and helps you streamline key processes gain better real-time insights and make smarter decisions for growth.

    5. Sage Software

    NameSage software
    Contact+ 65 6336 6118

    Sage manufacturing software helps you control operations ensure the delivery of consistent quality and take advantage of commercial opportunities.

    6. Hashmicro Software

    NameHashmicro software
    Contact+ 65 8777 6207

    Hashmicro improves the efficiency of your manufacturing operations and helps you get real-time insights and information with the best ERP system.

    7. EQUIP Software

    NameEquip software
    Contact+ 65 8777 6207

    EQUIP Software helps automate complex manufacturing processes such as raw material and finished goods management, manufacturing order management, resource tracking, bill of materials management, and many more.

    8. Monitor Software

    NameMonitor software
    Contact+46 650 766 00

    Monitor software helps to control your entire business, consisting of several modules that combine every activity that takes place in the modern manufacturing company.


    Choosing the right software is an important decision for Your manufacturing business. The software should have all the features that can make the business efficient and productive and also the software should be within the budget that is specified by the management.

    If you are looking for PSG Grant Manufacturing software for your business we recommend you to try our moiboo Manufacturing Software to automate your business end-to-end., click here for the free demo or Please feel free to call for more details: +65 9895 1817

    Note: Websites information mentioned above is subject to respective changes from time to time.


    What are the uses of manufacturing software?

    Manufacturing software, also known as manufacturing execution systems (MES), are computer programs that are designed to manage and optimize the various processes involved in manufacturing operations. Overall, manufacturing software is a powerful tool for improving manufacturing operations, reducing costs, and improving quality.

    What are the manufacturing products?

    Manufacturing products refer to physical goods that are created through the process of manufacturing. There are a vast variety of products that are manufactured, including Consumer goods, Industrial products, Construction materials, Construction materials, Automotive products, Medical products, Aerospace products, and Energy products. There are many other types of manufactured products, and the list continues to grow as new technologies and innovations emerge.

    Are manufacturing businesses profitable?

    Manufacturing businesses can be profitable, but it depends on a variety of factors such as the type of product being manufactured, the efficiency of the manufacturing process, and the demand for the product in the market.

    There are also risks associated with manufacturing businesses, such as the cost of raw materials, fluctuations in demand, and changes in regulations or trade policies. Overall, manufacturing businesses can be profitable, but success requires careful planning, efficient operations, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

    What are the basic manufacturing systems?

    There are several basic manufacturing systems that are commonly used in the manufacturing industry. These systems are designed to optimize the manufacturing process and improve efficiency. Here are some of the basic manufacturing systems
    Batch manufacturing system, Continuous manufacturing system, job shop manufacturing system, Lean manufacturing system, Mass production manufacturing system, and Cellular manufacturing system.
    These are some of the basic manufacturing systems, and many manufacturing companies use a combination of these systems depending on the specific product, demand, and production requirements.