upgrade your practice and clients to the cloud

Become a Next-gen Accountant by serving your clients over the cloud. Save time and money and expand your horizon.

When you should upgrade your practice to the cloud?

  • When you have clients from across different locations and want to access their accounts real-time (not wait till the data is sent)
  • When you want to increase your monthly cash flows by offering accounting services remotely.
  • When you will have to safely store your client data remotely and access it from anywhere, anytime.

What can you use this product for?

Outsourced Accounting

To finish the outsourced accounts
in less than 30 minutes!!

Real-time Accounting

To allow clients to record sales and purchase while you work on finalising and file taxes.

How this works?

Outsourced Accounting
Hands over bills or excel sheet with data Imports these excel into a software,
punches in sales and purchases and prints
financial statements in minutes
Real-time Accounting
Uses the software for billing and recording purchases Logs into the account for finalisation
and filing monthly tax returns
(don’t have to wait till
data comes in at month end)