Ideal for Used Vehicle Dealerships like Cars, Bikes, Trucks etc
Speak to an expertScale your business with complete control using Moiboo
The Dashboard gives you a real time view of the sales, profits and the Bank Balances. It also shows you where you are spending over the budget. A calendar which shows all the reminders of Invoices due on any given day; and a quick snapshot of the receivables and payables at any given point gives a very handy overview of your business.
Speak to an expertWith Moiboo, you are able to quickly create Sale and Purchase Agreements and have the customer digitally sign them. Additionally, Moiboo allows you to whatsapp the agreements to your clients directly, saving you the expense of printing and storing them each time.
Speak to an expertWith the help of Moiboo, you can quickly share the inventory of the cars that are now available on Facebook, Whatsapp, and other social networking platforms. Your consumers will find it simple to look for and select cars depending on their priorities due to this.
Speak to an expertDepending on pre-established parameters, you can automatically record all of your expenses and determine Salesmen Commission.
Speak to an expertMoiboo can instantly and accurately calculate the income you are making from each automobile you have rented out.
Speak to an expertIf you have a business which needs time based recurring Invoices, you can now automate them by setting up Recurring Invoices.
Speak to an expertSending the invoices directly to your clients via WhatsApp will surprise them. Save time and paper by printing less.
Speak to an expertInclude a payment link with your invoices by integrating your payment gateways. Reduce bad debts and be paid instantly.
Speak to an expertOver the last few months, Moiboo has made life easy for many businesses across the world
REACH MOIBOO Version 2.6 is one of the software listed on IRAS' Accounting Software Register+ ("ASR+")
Moiboo is a peppol enabled e-Invoicing provider in Singapore