Ideal for Auto Workshops, Car Wash, Films and Tinting Stores and Body Shops.
Speak to an expertScale your business with complete control using Moiboo
The Dashboard shows you the sales, profits, and bank balances in real time. Additionally, it reveals where you are going over budget. A calendar that lists all the invoice reminders for each day at any given time which are due, along with a brief summary of your current receivables and payables, provides a very useful overview of your company.
Speak to an expertYou can schedule customer appointments using Moiboo so that you can better manage your days and tell the customer of his meetings in advance.
Speak to an expertWhen the vehicle is delivered, the service manager can inspect it, take pictures, note any reception flaws, and immediately WhatsApp the customer a pricing estimate. Following this, Moiboo shows which jobs have been approved by the customer and offers some important details about the pending jobs, the typical time required for each job, and who the best service engineer is.
Speak to an expertIf all of the Jobs created by the Service Manager can be viewed on the Mechanics' smartphones. From his mobile phone, the mechanic can clock in and out of any task, check the instructions provided by the service manager of the company, and report the job's progress.
Speak to an expertThe service manager can review the completed Jobs before the vehicle is delivered. Moiboo automatically notifies the customer of the job status update after the job is marked as completed following the inspection.
Speak to an expertWhen the customer walks in to take delivery, the accountant can print neat Invoices customised with your branding using Moiboo. This gives you an image of a professionally run garage with your customers.
Speak to an expertYour clients can receive service reminders from Moiboo, which encourages them to stop by your garage and increases revenue.
Speak to an expertCreate Tax Codes and Map it to Ledgers. Make Tax Filing a breeze with the GST Plugin and put your taxes on cruise control. Saves valuable time and makes GST Filing accurate.
Speak to an expertTo sum it up, Moiboo can automate your entire workshop and help you grow much faster.
Speak to an expertOver the last few months, Moiboo has made life easy for many businesses across the world
Speak to an expertREACH MOIBOO Version 2.6 is one of the software listed on IRAS' Accounting Software Register+ ("ASR+")
Moiboo is a peppol enabled e-Invoicing provider in Singapore