Wholesale Distribution Software

Setting up

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Setting Up Your Account

Tabs to be set-up for GST

Let us see the tabs where GST details need to be filled in Reach Software

  1. Business Profile.
  2. Customer Details.
  3. Vendor Details.
  4. Tax Codes
  5. Account ledger.

To Start With Let Us See How To Set-Up The Business Profile With GST

1.Go to My reach under settings tab

2.Click Create Templates under Income tab.

3.You will see all the financial years listed, Choose the current financial year

4.You will now see all your branches or companies under the same Tax Group listed here.

5.Go to click Update under action button and scroll down

6.This form has four sections, please scroll to the Tax Information section and add GST Number, UEN Number and company Registration number and click save.

Once this is done, The basic GST set-up is done.

Now Let Us See How To Set Up Your Customers And Vendors

1.Go to settings under settings

2.Click Customer under income tab.

3.Click add customer

4.Add customer name and click more details,

5.The form is divided into 5 sections

6.Choose the GST section and add GST number to it
7.Click create.

Similarly, you can set-up your vendors too:

Setting Up Vendor GST Details

1.Go to settings under settings

2.Click Vendor settings under Expenses tab
3.Click add vendor

4.Add vendor(supplier) name and click more details, click GST button and add GST Number
5.Click create

Once you set-up your Customers and Vendors, You will also have to carefully map the designated ledgers to appropriate fields in the GST Return.

Creating Tax Codes

1.Go to settings under settings.

2.Click Tax code under Tax Setting

3.Click Add Tax Code

4.Give the Section name, Code and Map the GST Form
5.Click create

  • Please note that Your Reach Software Account will have pre-designated default ledgers which are already mapped appropriately; You can also create New Tax Codes from here
  • If you are creating new tax codes, please make sure that you map the Tax Class (ie) The box in which it should reflect in the Form-5 GST Return correctly.

Creating Tax Accounting Ledgers

Now let me show you how ledgers can be mapped to GST Returns:

1.Go to settings under settings.

2.Click Account ledger under Accounting Tab
3.Click Add a account

4.Once you fill the basic particulars of the ledger, The software will ask you to check if this is a taxable ledger
5.In case, the ledger is an Income or an Expense ledger, please check the “Taxable ledger” checkbox
6.On doing so, the software will ask you to map the ledger to an appropriate field in the GST Return
7.Map the ledger appropriately

Once you complete the mapping, your GST Returns will automatically be populated with the respective figures as you finish your accounts

Once the setting up is completed, you can now start using Reach Software for your Accounting and Tax Filing

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Setting up

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