Supermarket Software


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Create Purchase Order

It helps to Create any number of Purchase order.

Step 1 : Click purchase order under purchase
Step 2 : Add purchase order
Step 3 : Fill the relevant details
Step 4 : Click save
Step 5 : View purchase order (or) Create purchase order PDF (or) Mail purchase (or) Print purchase order (or) Edit purchase order (or) Delete (or) Convert to expense (or) Duplicate po.

Using Bill function in Purchase tab

You can create any number of Bill in this tab

Step 1 : Click Bill under Purchase tab
Step 2 : Add Bill
Step 3 : Fill the relevant details
Step 4 : Click save
Step 5 : Click action button view bill (or) update bill (or) delete bill (or) add payment (or) print tag
Step 6 : Convert to Print, Excel,PDF

Adding a Payment

You can create payment in just one click with all the customer details and perform the necessary
action like Print, Mail or take PDF of it

Step 1 : Click Payment under expenses tab
Step 2 : Add Payment
Step 3 : Fill the relevant details
Step 4 : Click save

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