Importer & Exporter


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Journal function in Accounting

Journal function under Accounting tab you can add or delete the income as and when required.

Step 1 : Click Journal under Accounting tab Step 2 : Click add journal

Step 3 : Fill the relevant details Step 4 : Click Save

Step 5 : Click Action button Update journal or delete journal

Contra function in Accounting

Contra function under Accounting tab you can add or delete the income as and when required.

Step 1 : Click Contra under Accounting tab Step 2 : Click add contra

Step 3 : Fill the relevant details Step 4 : Click Create

Step 4 : Click Action button Update contra or delete contra

Using Reports Function

You can see various reports in this tab. All Email Reports, Lead Reports, Repairs Reports, Income Reports, Expense Reports, Inventory Reports, Accounting Reports, Tax Reports. let’s view only the unseen Reports

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